Holi, Festival of Colours, today

Source: vivaanadventure

March 20, 2019

The Holi /Fagu Poornima or the festival of colours is being celebrated with much fanfare in hilly areas of Nepal, including Kathmandu, today. The festival is however being observed in the Terai region tomorrow.

The Fagu Poornima celebration begins with a Holika dahan or making a bonfire commemorating the death of Holika on the eve of Holi, the symbol of triumph of good over evil. The next day, people enjoy smearing one another with different colours including abir, red vermilion powder.

Among various cultural festivals celebrated in Nepal, the Fagu Poornima carries its own specialty and significance. People from old to young age enjoy the festival with great enthusiasm. The festival of Fagu or Holi is a national holiday in Nepal. (Rss)