2018-10-04, Niru Tripathi
(Nepalese Voice)- On 30th September at Newlands Senior Citizen Centre, the Australian Nepalese Senior citizen society Inc. (ANSCS) celebrated Father’s Day and held their annual general meeting (AGM) with Senior Launch Day 2018 among senior members from the Nepalese Community in Moreland as well as some senior members from multicultural communities around the neighbouring councils of Victoria.
Since its establishment in 2014 it has continued to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day annually with huge participation from community members. In previous years, the organisation has also arranged day trips and tours for seniors to explore the state of Victoria.
For this year’s Father’s Day program, the chief guest was the Mayor of Moreland City Council, Counsellor John Kavanagh, whereas Hon. Consul-General Chandra Yonzon was present as the special guest for the event.
The program was commenced with lunch and the welcoming cultural dance, followed by other dances performances by the Bal Sansar Group. Speaking during the program, chief guest Mayor John Kavanagh was pleased to attend the program and recalled how he enjoyed every Nepali community program he had previously attended. He also highlighted how he migrated to Australia from Ireland when he was very young and how he would listen to his elders talking and enjoy what they said. He also hoped that the organisation would continue these kinds of programs as they help seniors to be associated with the society thus ensuring that they do not feel alone.
Hon. Consul General Mr Yonzon, appreciated the ANSCS’s work- celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day every year. In both Australia and Nepal, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is hugely celebrated and is one of the biggest festival for people to show respect for their parents. By organizing these kind of programs, we spread intangible positivity to all families, especially parents who come to stay here from Nepal, so that they can see how we’ve preserved our culture and the same respect here as well. Furthermore, he said that it was a really delightful program where seniors can come and interact with each other and feel good. He wished for the continuation of this program and thanked Moreland City Council for providing the venue every year.
The Seniors present at the program were appreciated with the Nepali Dhaka Topi, that was offered by the ANSCS. The seniors were seen to enjoy the programme thoroughly.
On the same day the organization’s annual general meeting was held and a new committee was formed. At the AGM, Dr Subhadra Jha was appointed as the president, Mohan Rana as the vice president, Sujata Shrestha as the secretary, Raj Shrestha as joint secretary, Prithivi Raj as treasurer, Rita Panta,as Joint Treasurer with Bal Bahadur Budhathoki, Krishna Adhikari, Dr Deepak Raj Panta and Bharansher Rai as acting members, Barsha KC Rajbhandary as Cultural coordinator, Sanjay Rai as project officer and lastly, Bom Yonzon as the public relations officer.
The program was hosted by Bom Yonzon where he thanked all the attendees who came and made the program a success.