14 May 2019
Australian Department of Home Affairs warns Student visa holders regarding the changing of main course of study. The Department says, “If you change your main course of study to a lower Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level and do not apply for a new Student visa, you risk your visa being cancelled.”
Student must stay enrolled at the same or higher course level otherwise there will be breaching of 8202 condition of the visa. The condition requires student to satisfy the requirements of course enrolment, course level, course progress and course attendance. The breach might lead to visa cancellation.
Generally, a new student visa is required if student is changing the main course of study to lower AQF level course or to a non-AQF course, even if it is within same education provider.
However, if a student is changing course from Doctoral degree (AQF level 10) to Master’s degree (AQF level 9), a new visa is not required.
Students can get detailed information regarding the changing of their main course of study in this link https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/change-in-s…/study-situation