COVID-19 Update: Corona infection in 1,118 people in New South Wales, 120 infected in Victoria

Melbourne, Australia. Corona infection has been confirmed in 1,118 people in New South Wales. A corona test of 1,73,913 people conducted in the last 24 hours confirmed the infection in 1,168 people.

Out of all the corona infections added in the last 24 hours, 2 are outsiders and 1116 are locals.

Corona infections have so far been confirmed in 27,922 people in New South Wales who have tested 13,367,758 corona.

Four more people have died of corona infection in New South Wales in the last 24 hours. The death toll from the corona infection has risen to 156.In Victoria, corona tests were performed on 56,501 people in the last 24 hours, and corona infections were confirmed in 120 people.