The world collectively fights against the invisible enemy – a novel coronavirus which has disrupted personal lives and national economies alike. Different countries have taken different approaches – some have imposed severe lockdowns and some have placed the onus of public health on individuals – which means noone is sure of the right approach. Therefore, everyone tries – in their own ways.
However, because the nature of the crisis is unprecedented – it also makes it all the more important to keep the discussion ongoing. Sathi Australia, in a similar attempt has reached out to Karna Sakya, a multi-faceted personality to discuss with him possible ways to navigate the health crisis at hand.
Karna Sakya, a pioneer in Nepal’s tourism and hospitality industry, is also a prominent environmentalist, a learned forester, an analytical writer, and a philanthropist. Sathi Australia aims to enable a discussion on the questions of uncertainty that plague the public. According to Arun Chitrakar of Sathi Australia, “Mr. Sakya’s knowledge and experience in a diverse range of topics will help many people relate to the problems they may be facing – and therefore help them journey the pandemic with a positive outlook”.
The program will be presented on My Nepal TV Australia – a popular Diaspora media organisation, and is being organised in association with Karna Positive Trust.