29 May 2019
A man from Brisbane has been found to be submitting false information to the Department of Home Affairs. Australian Border Force (ABF) and Australian Federal Police (AFP) together seized a large amount of evidence which included visa application documentation and dozens of electronic devices.
The search of two residential properties in Brisbane has revealed that at least 50 potential applicants were being charged huge amounts in return of sponsorship, in most of the cases it is over $100,000. According to the Australian law, requesting payment in return of visa sponsorship is punishable offense with two years in prison sentence and/or fine of $75,600 per offence.
It has also been found that the individual was working with several Registered Migration Agents to lodge visa application with Department of Home Affairs by sponsoring individuals for positions in businesses that do not exist.
ABF Investigations Commander Graeme Grosse says, “The ABF has been closely investigating this matter for some time. We believe that one individual has been arranging the submission of false visa nominations and applications for various skilled visas subclasses.”
ABF reports, “Several charges are possible, including under s234 of theMigration Act which relates to the provision of false documents or misleading information, and can attract up to ten years’ imprisonment per charge.”
It continues, “Registered Migration Agents who are found to be engaged in such fraudulent activities which seek to abuse any process in connection with Australian migration law face disciplinary action by the OMARA (Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority) including cancellation of their registration.
OMARA is the body that protects consumers of immigration assistance and support visa program integrity by regulating migration agents and takes disciplinary action they are found to breach code of conduct.