More than 400 arrested after anti-lockdown protesters swarm Melbourne CBD

Police use pepper spray against protesters during an anti-lockdown rally in Melbourne, Australia. (Image: Erik Anderson/AAP; Sourced from EPA – EFE)

Melbourne, Australia: Hundreds of anti-lockdown protesters defied public health order to gather outside Parliament House in Melbourne CBD on Tuesday. The protesters, standing outside the Parliament House, voiced their dissatisfaction against Premier Andrews and the state’s strict lockdown measures – despite the state witnessing gradual easing of restrictions in recent weeks.

Victorian Police had to arrest 404 people and issue fines to 394 of them for breaching public health orders which include not wearing a mask, defying the 25 km radius rule, and breaching public gathering directions.

Others were charged with assaulting police and failing to provide personal details. 6 people were taken into custody, while others were released after being issued fines.

A senior sergeant was taken to hospital with a suspected broken arm.

Meanwhile, the group behind Tuesday’s rally has pledged further protests, saying they won’t forget the more than 100 days the city spent in lockdown.