Regional Victoria to see relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions from 11:59 pm tomorrow

Ballarat Town Hall, Victoria (Image shared under Creative Commons)

Regional Victoria will see several Covid-19 relaxations from tomorrow, 11:59 pm as the region moves to the ‘Third Step’ of Victoria’s roadmap towards Covid-19 normal.

“Regional Victoria has now met the ‘trigger point’ to move to the Third Step – with a 14-day average of less than five, and no mystery cases”, Premier Andrews shared on Facebook.

The relaxation in measures will begin from Thursday, 00:00 am onward, i.e 17th September, 2020.

According to Premier Andrews “Regional Victorians will have more than four reasons to leave their homes”. However, Premier Andrews urged Victorians to be alert and careful, as the pandemic hasn’t entirely passed, and there are still a few active cases in the region.

What changes will be seen from the 17th?

Restaurants and cafes will be allowed to reopen to seated customers. Cafes and restaurants can seat people in groups of up to 10, but it will be subject to density limits and seating will be mostly outdoors.

There will no longer be any restrictions on the reasons to leave home. Two households can form a ‘bubble’ – meaning up to five members of one household can visit the other at home.

Outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people at the park, pub, or other public spaces.

Tourist accommodation can welcome regional guests, and people can travel within regional Victoria. Travel to Melbourne is not allowed until both metro and regional areas are on the same restriction level.

Weddings will increase to 10 people.

Funerals can be attended by 20.

All school students will return to onsite learning in Term 4.

Outdoor community sport can restart for 18 and unders, with non-contact for adults.

And beauty and personal care services can operate alongside hairdressers, so long as masks can be worn at all times.

Face coverings and masks are still cumpulsory when going outdoors.