Victoria records 14 new cases overnight, Melbourne residents optimistic

File Photo: A tram crosses an intersection in Brunswick, Metropolitan Melbourne in January, 2020.

Victoria is on its path towards beating its second wave of infections – the state posted 14 new cases overnight on Sunday.

The last time Victoria recorded less than 14 cases was on June 19, three months ago – at the onset of Victoria’s second wave. Since June 19, more than 18,000 Victorians have tested positive for Covid-19, with infections peaking above 700 cases per day in the first week of August.

The government imposed strict Stage 4 restrictions on metropolitan Melbourne, and extended Stage 3 restrictions on Regional Victoria from 2nd August, 2020.

Stage 4 restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne, initially imposed until 13th September, 2020, were extended for 2 more weeks, i.e. until Sept 27th.

The Premier, while announcing Victoria’s roadmap to achieving Covid19 normal, had said “Victoria’s 14 day average must be between 30-50 to allow metropolitan Melbourne to return to its next stage”.

Melburnians are optimistic as Victoria has recorded cases below 50 for 10 consecutive days, and as of Sunday, the 14 day average is at 36.2.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has said he is “confident” Melbourne’s restrictions will be eased in a week.

Metropolitan residents, who have completed 7 weeks of lockdown, have shared their optimism too.

Mr. Shrestha, a resident of Glenroy said, “It seems weeks of hard lockdown has paid off – I am optimistic the state will relax its lockdown next week, and that slowly, we can make our way to a new and safe Covid-19 normal”.