Victoria very close to “defeating second wave”: Premier Andrews

Melbourne CBD. (Image: Pixabay)

Victoria, on Monday reported 5 new cases of Covid-19, the state’s lowest since June 12, 2020. The numbers have been recorded on the day of easing of restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne, and Premier Daniel Andrews said Victoria is “very close to defeating its second wave”.

He also said Victoria is “so, so close” to being able to take a “really big step” towards Covid-19 normal.

The Premier on Sunday had said on Sunday that metropolitan Melbourne would reach Step 3 of its Covid-19 recovery path not on the basis of the earlier proposed timeline, but when the state met its next trigger point.

For Melbourne to reach Step 3 of its Covid-19 recovery path, Victoria will have had to record a 140day new cases below five and fewer than five cases with an unknown source over two weeks.

Monday’s numbers is a positive step towards meeting the next trigger point, but the state would have to remain consistent on daily cases.

Melbourne’s 14-day daily new case average is currently at to 20.3.

Easing of restrictions in Melbourne:

On Monday, residents of Melbourne have woken up to easing of restrictions which were imposed since August 2. An estimated 127,000 workers are scheduled to return to work in various industries with Covid Safe Plans.

Other changes include:

1. Nightime curfew, which was in effect from 9p.m. to 5 a.m will be lifted. There will be no nightime curfew after 5 a.m., Monday, 28th September.

2. Childcare centres will be open to all children, and the 5-kilometre limit will not apply.

3. Five people rom a maximum of two households can meet outdoors in a public place like a park. Travelling beyond 5 kilometre radius is not permitted.

4. Face Coverings is cumpulsory, and it must be a ‘fitted mask that covers the nose and mouth’. Face shields, which until now have been permitted as a face covering, will not be allowed. A week’s grace period will be allowed before the change is enforced.

5. For shopping, there will be no limit on the number of people from one household.

6. Weddings can be held in outdoor spaces with five people including the couple, and two witnesses.

7. Religious gatherings and ceremonies can take place outdoors with five people and one faith leader next to a place of worship.