Watch the penguins of Phillip Island from your home

Image: Phillip Island National Park (Facebook)

Melbourne, Australia: Keeping in mind the Covid-19 pandemic, differnet levels of restrictions have been imposed by each national, state, or city governments to help curb the spread. In Victoria, stage 4 restrictions are in place, and in Kathmandu, a prohibitory order restricts human movement. Where states haven’t restricted movements, public health officials advise them to avoid crowds, and unnecessary travel.

In what can be construed as good news, most people are seen abiding by the health precautions – we act in interest of public health.

However, being confined to home also means disruption in our plans – for example, going outdoors on weekends, or enjoying a BBQ picnic.

Amidst the outdoor activities, visiting Phillip Island was a popular attraction – thousands would gather on the shores oof the island to watch the penguins waddle their way back home.

I had gotten an opportunity to watch the magnificent sight in December, 2019, and it indeed was a very pretty sight.

The penguins, in thousands would come home just around sunset, and waddle their way through the surrounding sanctuary park. A walkway would allow us to see them waddling – very up close.

For those who haven’t had a chance to visit the Philip Island Nature Parks, you have been presented with an opportunity.

Gather your family around, log on to around sunset time in Melbourne, Victoria, and watch thousands of beautiful penguins come home. For your convenience, a park ranger will also narrate the live show for you.

Please note: The event is free, and the Philip Island Nature Park has asked viewers to beware of fake links asking you to subscribe or pay to watch.