2017-12-08, Sources
Sydney Edition (Hunter Valley, 16th December)
Non Resident Nepali Association Australia’s NSW state committee is organizing a picnic for parents and elders visiting children in Sydney. They had organized a similar picnic last year and were morally boosted with the happiness the picnic had gained.
The picnic will be held on 16th December, 2017 at Hunter Valley, NSW. To add convenience NRN NSW chapter has provided with a bus pickup and drop facility. 11 stops have been designated for pickup and drop off. A nominal AUD 20 fee shall be collected per person and the picnic will start from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Talking to the media, Nanda Gurung, NRN Australia’s Vice President and coordinator for NSW said that the picnic was a token of respect to our elders and parents. He also said that he expected the community’s support towards a good cause like this.
Canberra Edition (Black Mountain, 16th December)
Similarly, NRN Australia’s ACT state committee has decided to host a BBQ Picnic. “The picnic is being organized as a welcome to all parents/elders visiting Canberra and its surrounding areas”, said NRN ACT coordinator Rajan Dhungel. The BBQ picnic will be held on the 16th of December at ACT’s Black Mountain from 11:30 a.m. onwards. Although there are no fees to participate in the picnic, interested people should register their names by the 11th of December.
Melbourne edition already held:
Victoria’s NRNA committee in a similar effort has already hosted its picnic for elderlies/parents. An approximate 200 people attended the picnic at Yan Yean Reservoir park. The picnic was well received by the community and parents/elderlies of many came to the picnic, had fun, played games, and ate delicious Nepali foods. Above all, they made many friends.