
Ministry recommends to suspend TIA General Manager Thakur

The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation has recommended the Director General of the

15 arrested on charge of smuggling rhino horn

The Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police has arrested 15 people on the charge of

Earthquake occurs in Rukum Paschim

An earthquake measuring 4.2 in the Richter scale has occurred at Syalakhadi of Rukum Paschim.

Snowfall likely in Karnali, Sudurpaschim

The Meteorological Forecasting Division of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has stated that chances

Dr. Bhattarai stresses linking education to employment, production

Former prime minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai has said education should be catered to ensure life

Cyclone Gabrielle heads toward Australia’s Norfolk Island, New Zealand

SYDNEY, (Reuters) – Residents in Australia’s Norfolk Island and in New Zealand braced for heavy

UML decides to strengthen ruling coalition

The CPN UML has decided to further strengthen the current ruling alliance. The secretariat meeting

District Attorney’s office begins investigation into dual passport case of Rabi Lamichhane

The Kathmandu District Government Attorney’s Office has begun an investigation by gathering documents after a

PM Prachanda calls for effective implementation of constitution

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has urged all for the true implementation of the

Nepal sends relief materials to Turkey

Nepal has sent relief package to the earthquake ravaged Turkey. The relief package also includes