Actress Yami Gautam and film-maker Aditya Dhar tied the knot in an “intimate wedding ceremony.”
The ‘Vicky Donor’ actress and 38-year-old ‘Uri’ director took to social media to share the news. Sharing a picture from their wedding ceremony, the couple quoted Persian poet Rumi, “In your light, I learn to love”.
“With the blessings of our family, we have tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony today. Being very private people, we celebrated this joyous occasion with our immediate family. “As we embark on the journey of love and friendship, we seek all your blessings and good wishes. Love, Yami and Aditya,” captioned the post.
Gautam also posted pictures from her mehendi ceremony. The 32-year-old opted for a suit in hues of orange, and Dhar complemented her in a blue outfit.
The couple had worked together in Dhar’s 2019 blockbuster movie ‘Uri: The Surgical Strikes’. On the work front, Gautam, who was born in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh and was brought up in Chandigarh, will next be seen in ‘Dasvi’, co-starring Abhishek Bachchan.
Dhar, who hails from Delhi, is currently working on ‘The Immortal Ashwatthama’, which marks his reunion with ‘Uri’ star Vicky Kaushal.