Shilpa Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra was arrested late on Monday by the Mumbai Police in a pornography-related case. The businessman was presented at the Esplanade Court in Mumbai along with Ryan Tharp who was arrested by the Mumbai police on Tuesday in connection with the same case.
On Tuesday, after being presented in court, Raj Kundra has been sent to Police custody till July 23. After Raj Kundra’s arrest, the Mumbai Police commissioner, Hemant Nagrale, in a statement said, “There was a case registered with Crime Branch Mumbai in February 2021 about the creation of pornographic films and publishing them through some Apps. We’ve arrested Raj Kundra in this case on 19/7/21 as he appears to be the key conspirator of this.”
Reportedly, the Mumbai police have accessed Whatsapp chats of Raj Kundra in a group where they discussed pornographic filmmaking and money earned through it. As per reports, Kundra is a relative of Pradeep Bakshi who lives in the UK and owns the UK-based company Kenrin Production House. He is also Kundra’s business partner and the Whatsapp chats between the two have revealed how the transaction of money was made and how they earned it through pornographic content, the distribution and sale of which is illegal in India.
Source : TRN,