Marking a milestone towards providing aspiring students to Australia with a one-stop information centre, the Australian Education Information Centre (AEIC) was launched in Kathmandu on Thursday (16th Jan, 2020).
The AEIC, an initiative by NAAER (Nepalese Association of Australian Education Representatives) was formally inaugurated by Australian Ambassador H.E. Peter Budd in Kathmandu.

As per Bigyan Shrestha, President of NAAER, “AEIC will be an open and neutral space with the sole purpose of providing information to students, parents and other stakeholders who wish to avail detailed information related to education in Australia.”

The premises in Hattisar feature a seminar hall, meeting room, counseling room, library, digital library, and a social space. Students can use the digital library to access information about studying in Australia, scan through university prospectus, and also meet with Australian University Representatives.

The AEIC will help students verify and find accurate and unbiased information about studying in Australia.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by several stakeholders representing different aspects of the Australian education network – members of the Australian Embassy in Nepal, Association of Nepalese Alumni from Australia (ANAA), Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal (ECAN) and several banking institutions.
Speaking at the program, ANAA President Dr. Ram Hari Aryal and former ANAA President Dr. Damodar Prasad Pokhrel praised the initiative whilst also spoke on encouraging students to return to Nepal upon completing their education in Australia.
H.E Peter Budd, Australian Ambassador to Nepal thanked Nepal’s solidarity towards those who have been affected by Australia’s bushfires. He spoke of the devastation caused by the ravaging fire, in terms of human casualties, in terms of property lost, and the damage to the eco-system and wildlife.

He also encouraged the initiative, and spoke of the importance of responsible advice to students while preparing them to go to Australia, and hoped the Information Centre would be the source of the same.
Post inauguration, NAAER also organised informative sessions on the following topics:
- IELTS Exam Session
- Education providers and course selection
- Education Loan Session
- Pre departure session
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