Blood donation on birthdays is gaining momentum as a campaign in Chitwan where blood shortage is a recurring problem throughout the year. The Blood Transmission Centre faces a tough time to meet the growing demand of blood for patients and injured in the hospitals.
Taking the shortage of blood supply into consideration, Nepali Congress Chitwan President Jeetnarayan Shrestha today donated blood this morning on the occasion of his 42nd birthday. He himself donated Rs 850 required for the processing of his blood. It is his sixth blood donation on the birthday and 50th in his lifetime so far.
“Blood shortage can be averted if those eligible donate blood on their birthdays”, he said, pledging to donate blood throughout his life. “I request all to engage in the campaign”.
Chief of Regional Blood Transmission Centre Bharatpur, Ramesh Kanta Poudel said another youth leader of the Nepali Congress, Ananda Raut, had also donated blood on his birthday some days ago. A patient received his blood free of cost, Poudel added. Raut has joined this social campaign since a couple of years back.
The blood donation on birthday has increased in Chitwan of late, he shared. Blood supply has become smooth these days with the growing number of events of blood donation under the aegis of political parties and their sister organizations, said Hari Poudel of Nepal Red Cross Society Chitwan.
There is a demand of around 40,000 units of blood in Chitwan-based hospitals per annum while daily demand is recorded to be 150 units.
Source : RSS,