Conflict Victims Will Get Justice: PM Deuba

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Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has said that the government was committed to taking transitional justice to a logical conclusion.

At a programme organised by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on the occasion of 73rd International Human Rights Day here today, PM Deuba shared that the government was ready to provide justice to conflict victims.

He opined, “It is necessary to take the transitional justice to a logical conclusion. We are ready to give justice to the victims’ families. We will do what can be done for that.”

The PM argued that the government has been involved to carry out activities in order to fulfil the national and international responsibilities related to human rights and activities are underway to take action against the guilty of serious types of crime including human trafficking.

He mentioned that the Commission has been working for human rights protection and promotion from its establishment and the government of Nepal has been helping the Commission with budget as well as other support.

Similarly, NHRC Chair Top Bahadur Magar shared that respect for human rights, its protection, promotion and fulfilment would be possible only from the collaboration of all—government, constitutional commission and civil society as the lone effort of anybody of the state would not be possible for the same.

Likewise, Chairperson of NGO Federation, Jitaram Lama and Coordinator of National Human Rights Magna Meet, Roshna Khadka, expressed the view that equal role and contribution of all -government and stakeholders was necessary for the protection of human rights.

International Human Rights Day is being celebrated across the world today under the international slogan ‘Reducing inequalities, advancing human rights’.

The International Human Rights Day is observed every year on December 10 in commemoration of the issuance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948.

Source : TRN,