Kathmandu, March 24, 2019
Minister for Communications and Information Technology of Nepal, Gokul Baskota, has urged the media not to make news that promote violence.
Addressing a programme on ‘Community Radio: Policy Discussion’ organized by the Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (ACORAB) on its 18th anniversary yesterday, Minister Baskota showed concern over dissemination of news that could promote violence.
As the violence is a wrong action, he said, urging media persons not to disseminate such news.
“The media house spreading news inciting violence are not linked to press freedom; so government takes action as per its announced decision and laws,” he warned.
According to him, some five to six media were promoting the issues of violence. “Government has banned organized violence,” he reminded, wondering whether it would be violation of press freedom or it warranted action.
He however said the pressure media created to find the culprit behind the Kanchanpur murder was positive. But is not good to question how the government arrested the suspicious person in course of the investigation, the Minister argued.
According to him, the media and advertisement agency could have their own code of conduct. He pointed out the need of wiping out the provision frequency hold while some were still waiting for the frequency.
On the occasion, lawmaker Krishna Bhakta Pokhrel, said the government was committed to press freedom.
Similarly, Member of the National Planning Commission and former chairman of ACORAB Min Bahadur Sahi said the government was effortful to increase community representation in community radio.
On the occasion, Chairman of Nepal Municipality Association Ashok Byanju viewed that local levels also needed to be taken together while building professional capacity of the community radios.(RSS)