Dr. Govinda KC, a renowned orthopedic surgeon, also dubbed as a ‘crusader’ within Nepal for his protests against the political interference within the medical studies sector is on his 17th hunger strike. He began his strike on 5 p.m. Monday from Dadeldhura – just before he began his strike, he put forth his seven point demands.
- Implementation of the past agreements reached between Dr KC and the government on 2075/04/10, regarding amendments in the Medical Ordinance Bill.
- Abolishing the process of appointing university officials on the basis of political grounds, thus from now should appoint such officials as per the recommendation submitted by the led by Parasar Koirala.
- Addressing the demands put forth by agitating medical students in the wake of medical colleges charging extra fees and return of the extra fees. Punish medical professionals involved in illicit business transactions.
- Abrogating the decision to increase the tuition fees and of medical students and the number of seats taken ‘under the influence of medical mafia’.
- Immediate commencement of MBBS classes at the Institute of Karnali Health Sciences after equipping the institute with necessary infrastructure and manpower.
- Reduction in the price of medicine for cancer which is 4 to 5 times higher than in India and sending doctors to fill the vacant posts in various districts across the nation, including Dadeldhura.
- End to political appointments in transitional bodies and amendment of related laws as demanded by victims of the war-time era.