ECAN, IERIN, FECON, NAAER and AECA, five umbrella organisations representing and working for the welfare of Nepalese international students in Australia have urged for support towards international students who have been impacted by the ongoing health crisis.
Issuing a joint media release, the five organisations have requested the attention of theAustralian Government, Embassy of Australia in Nepal, Australian High Commission in India, Australian Education Providers, Australian communities, Embassy of Nepal in Australia and other associated stake holders to help and support Nepalese students in Australia towards the plight of Nepalese international students in Australia.
Presenting a case about the international students contribution towards the Australian economy, the five organisations have requested the Australian Government to help the students in dire times, and have presented the following suggestions:
We have following suggestions to Australian education providers and government agencies:
- Defer the students of new intake (February/March 2020) into the next intake or up to one-year time frame.
- Refund 100% of their tuition fees to the deferred students of 2020 intakes if they would like to come back home and continue their studies in their home town.
- Provide scholarship opportunities to international students who like to commence their studies in July 2020.
- Reduce tuition fees by at least 25% or more with immediate effect for all the online training or classes that is currently happening at Australian Universities until the session is deferred.
- Avail a Sept intake 2020 session as an alternative to the students if the COVID 19 resolution delays and students are not able to commence in July 2020 intake.
- Facilitate student visa extensions for 9 months by default, for current international students who couldn’t complete the course due to COVID-19, or if completed couldn’t move out of country due to border seals or lockdown.
- Provide financial support (subsidy)to international students for up to 6 months or until the situation is under control to cover their partial living expenses.
- Provide health facilities as good as local citizens with zero financial burdens.
- Facilitate emergency travel arrangements to students whoy are in dire need to return home.
Please find full Press Release Below:
About the organisaitons:
ECAN (Educational Consultancy Association Of Nepal), FECON (Free Education Consultancy Organizations’ of Nepal), IERIN (International Education Representatives Initiative of Nepal), NAAER (Nepalese Association of Australian Education Representatives), AECA (Australian Education Consultant’s Alliance) are Nepal’s big five associations/organisations representing the collective interests of the international student community in Nepal. Collectively, they are responsible for sending thousands of international students to Australia for further education – and therefore request the attention of the Australian Government and other stakeholders of the Australian Education System to come out and help students during such distressing times.