GIBL Launches Healthy Women Initiative

Global IME Bank Limited has launched a ‘Meri Unilai: Swasthya Nari Pahal’ campaign, an initiative to promote women health.
Issuing a statement on Friday, the bank said that the campaign was launched as per its Corporate Social Responsibility to empower women in the country.

Under the campaign, it organised a women health camp at Sahare Health Post in Gurwakot Municipality in Surkhet district. Earlier, the bank has launched fixed deposit account scheme under ‘Meri Unilai…’.
“The latest initiative is launched to make women physically strong. Such health camps will be organised in rural and semi-urban areas targeting women and children. We hope that it will make a positive impact on women,” read the statement.

The bank has paid up capital of Rs. 21.63 billion and offers services from 280 branches, 47 extension and revenue counters, 257 branchless banking and 249 ATMs across the country.

Source : TRN,