IOM Nepal provides dedicated training on disaster risk reduction and management

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Nepal, has provided a dedicated training on disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) to 550 plus rural and urban municipalities in the country, according to the IOM Nepal Office.

Implemented by the IOM with the financial support from different agencies, the project aims to connect the dots between all local levels across the country, and has already reached over 75 per cent of the municipalities in the country.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, the IOM has been conducting training for newly-elected local level authorities to enable localization of DRRM laws, policies and strategic plans of action. The training includes the basis of strengthened capacity for reducing disaster risk and enhancing community and government capability to respond to future disasters.

In Nepal, IOM has been supporting for effective and efficient disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities since 2018.(RSS)