Kathmandu DAO Prohibits Fairs, Processions, Unnecessary Crowding From Today Midnight

The Kathmandu District Administration Office (DAO) has imposed restrictions on unnecessary crowding, fairs, fests, processions, and protests.

The restrictions are coming to effect from today midnight until the next notice.

Issuing an order on Thursday afternoon, Chief District Officer Govinda Prasad Rijal said that as the threat of COVID-19 still prevailed, the DAO had prohibited unnecessary gatherings, meetings, rallies, processions, and parties.

Similarly, the DAO also said that anyone involved in black marketing by causing a fake shortage of goods and unreasonably increasing the price of essential goods and medical items during the upcoming festive season would be booked under the law.

CDO Rijal has also prohibited traveling by sitting on the roof of buses. Similarly, all public vehicles must abide by the prescribed health and safety standards and passengers should mandatorily wear masks, read the order.

Meanwhile, the DAO has permitted the operation of industries, restaurants, hotels, and movie halls by implementing the public health standards.

Source : TRN,