Pampha Bhusal, a prominent politician and a lawmaker representing Nepal Communist Party (ruling party) in a session with the State Affairs and Good Governance Committee of the House of Representatives said Nepal needs to close its entire border with India.
She did not make any remark of the kind of barrier we would want to install, nevertheless argued that “India’s Seema Suraksha Bal (Shasastra Seema Bal) everyday encroaches at least a few metres of Nepalese territory. This has been continuing and by now India has encroached thousands of kilometres of land belonging to Nepal”. She stated on the importance of marking our border in the south, which would be possible via a physical barrier to prevent future encroachment.
Lawmaker Bhusal also argued to close the border check points – and suggested introducing display of official identity cards when crossing national borders, for citizens of both nations. Currently, movement between Nepalese and Indian citizens is unrestricted, whereas traded goods are monitored.
Nepal shares borders with India to its east, south, and west – an estimated 1758 kilometres. The current shape was established after teh Sugauli Treaty of 1816 between Nepal and the British Raj. Following Indian independence, the same border was recognised.
Since Nepal and India do not have a fenced boundary, several border pillars have been installed to serve the purpose of distinguishing between the two lands – this has given rise to several disputes – two of them permanent. One is Susta in Nawalparasi – where the Sugauli Treaty states Narayani River as the international boundary. The eastern part of the river belongs to India and western part of river belongs to Nepal. At the time the treaty was signed Susta village was situated west of the river. But, over the years, the Narayani River changed its course and Susta moved to the east side of the river, that is now on the Indian side of the river.
Another longstanding dispute is in Kalapani – Nepal claims that the river to the west of Kalapani is main Kali, hence it belongs to Nepal. But India claims that ridgeline to the east of Kalapani is the border, hence the Kalapani area belongs to India.