The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) received the highest number of corruption complaints related to local governments even in first three months of 2078 BS.
The CIAA received 32.72 per cent complaints related to local governments out of the total number of complaints it received. Sector-wise, it has received 15.61 per cent complaints related with education, 9.09 per cent complaints related with land administration, 5.01 per cent complaints related with forest and environment and remaining related with health and population, physical infrastructure, transportation, home administration, energy, water resource, fake documents and others.
The fourth quarterly report of the CIAA published in the CIAA e-bulletin has stated that large numbers of complaints were filed at bodies of local governments in comparison to federal and provincial governments. Likewise, the complaints related to Bagmati Province were filed at federal bodies rather than provincial level. However, the complaints related to far western province were mostly filed at provincial bodies rather than other bodies.
Similarly, large number of complaints against local governments were filed in Province 2, the report read.
According to the CIAA, it has filed 113 cases at the special court during the fourth trimonthly period of the fiscal year 2077/78 that includes Baisakh, Jestha and Asar months of the Nepali calendar. Out of these cases, 70 cases are related with bribe, three cases are of fake documents, 23 cases are of public property losses, three are of property earning by illegal means, 10 cases are of making profit illegally and three related to revenue leakage.
In the last fiscal year, the CIAA had filed a total of 411 cases at the special court. Out of them, it got the verdict of 104 cases, out of which 73 cases are related to corruption and 31 cases are related to fake academic documents. The CIAA stated that two verdicts of fake academic documents and 33 verdicts of corruption are in favour of the CIAA. Likewise, it got partial success in 11 cases while the verdict on 29 cases went against the CIAA claims, it said.
Meanwhile, regarding the verdict of the Supreme Court last April not to conduct sting operation by using money, the CIAA stated that the verdict asked not to use money for sting operation but it did not mean not to conduct sting operation at all.
Therefore, the CIAA is still arresting people red handed but it stopped using money for it.
Source : TRN,