NAST Should Work With Universities, Says Paudel

Minister for Education, Science and Technology Devendra Paudel has said that Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) should work in collaboration with universities and work on the concept of a research-oriented university.

Minister Paudel also lauded NAST for its work in promoting science and technology education in Nepal, modernizing and preserving traditional knowledge and skills, identifying appropriate technologies and transferring technology to serve the nation’s all-round development.

In a message on the occasion of NAST 45th Academic Assembly, Poudel, who is also Pro-Chancellor of NAST, said that the institute has played a role in the promotion of science and technology sector by formulating Science and Technology Policy 2064, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2075 and Policy Implementation Framework 2077.

Education Minister Paudel said there was the need to restructure NAST at the local and provincial levels to expand the activities of the institute and upgrade it to focus on the priority areas of the nation.

Source : RSS,