Nepali Film To Get Rs. 800,000 If It Wins Oscar

The Film Development Board (FDB) has announced to give Rs. 800,000 as an incentive to the Nepali films wining the world’s most prestigious Oscar Award.
Talking to The Rising Nepal, FDB chairman Dayaram Dahal said that a Nepali film that will be nominated for and receive the Academic Awards will be presented the incentive as per the criteria.
“Our procedure is already ready and now we have decided to implement this procedure to encourage the Nepali filmmakers,” said Dahal.
It was informed that the concept of ‘Travel Grant’ was implemented on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the Film Development Board on Thursday.
The board has decided to give Rs. 200,000 to the Nepali film that is nominated for the Oscars and Rs. 800,000 to the winner.
Similarly, the FDB has stated that the winners of the Golden Award, Asia Pacific Screen Award and Asian Film Award will be given Rs. 100,000 for screening and Rs. 150,000 to Rs. 200,000 for the winners.
The board further said that the feature films selected for Cannes, Venice, Locarno, Berlin, Toronto, Sundance and Rotterdam festivals will get Rs. 250,000 and short films Rs. 100,000.
The Film Development Board will provide a travel grant of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 300,000 for the films that go to world-renowned labs such as Script Development or Project Market.
Similarly, the board will provide Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 200,000 for accommodation and networking to the filmmakers of such films.
The government has also forwarded the concept of story bank in its 2020-21 budget.

Source : TRN,