No Provision In Constitution To Reinstate HoR: PM Oli

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Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said there was no provision in the Constitution to revive the dissolved House of Representatives (HoR). Addressing the cadres meeting organized for NCP Sudurpaschim Province in the federal capital today, Prime Minister Oli, who is also the Chairman of NCP, asserted, “The HoR won’t be restored, so it’s time for all parties to concentrate on election preparation.”

The President dissolved the HoR upon the recommendation of Prime Minister Oli on December 20 and announced fresh date of snap polls for April 30 and May 10. After the filing of writ petition on it, the case is under consideration in the Supreme Court. Citing it, Prime Minister Oli argued that there was no point in waging agitation in the streets.

“I reached the decision to dissolve HoR after seeing obstruction on running government despite having 64 percent vote in the parliament as the PM,” he explained, adding that HoR would not be restored based on political request and pressure. The decision, as he said, was made as per Constitution.

PM Oli further assured, “Election will be held in a free, fair and peaceful manner.”
He wondered, “Are republic, federalism, securlarism risked while going to election? Doesn’t the election strengthen these achievements?”

The Prime Minister urged all agitating and opposition parties to work for victory in election, rather than protest. On the NCP dispute, he said competition does not make communist movement stronger but unity. Another faction of the party was given more number of central members to make unity stronger.

Chair Oli shared that his proposal put forth before NCP Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ of joining hands together in election despite internal dispute was rejected.

Expressing determination that the East-West railways, Keryung-Kathmandu and Birgunj-Kathmandu railways would be constructed, Prime Minister Oli said that construction activities of different airports and infrastructure development have been moving ahead in an expedited manner.

He added, “New activities are underway. Industrial sector has been developed. More than 300 hospitals have been inaugurated in a single day. Progress has been achieved in many sectors including people’s housing construction, reconstruction of schools and modernization of agriculture. I don’t want to comment on those who turn indifferent towards such progress.”

“Our job is not to destroy, but to build the nation. We should save the party. Go ahead. I wish you all the best”, he argued.

Similarly, NCP leader Lekhraj Bhatta urged all parties to involve in preparation of election, saying there will be no party unification by taking to the streets.

Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supply, Bhatta, stressed the need of making the national goal, “Happy Nepali, Prosperous Nepal” a success.

Likewise, NCP central committee member Karna Bahadur Thapa, Minister for Federal Affairs and General Administration, Ganesh Singh Thagunna, Minister for Forest and Environment, Prem Bahadur Ale, and Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security, Gauri Shankar Chaudhary, laid emphasis on taking development activities forwarded by the government ahead.

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