Offence Cases On Rise

Offences against public interest, health, safety, convenience and morals have been increasing over the years, data of Nepal Police show.
A total of 22,222 offence cases have been registered in the record of Nepal Police in the past three fiscal years, including the current fiscal.
The data provided by the Nepal Police headquarters show that 7,378 cases under the offence were registered in FY 2018/19 and 9,517 cases in FY 2019/20.
Likewise, 5,327 cases have been recorded in the recent FY 2020/21 (until April 13 i.e. the end of Nepali Year 2077 B.S.).
Under the Chapter 5 – offences against public interest, health, safety, convenience and morals – of the National Penal Act, 2017, there are 23 different prohibitions (Section 104 to 126), which when offended, an individual is charged under the offence.
The prohibitions in the respective Section include spreading of infectious disease; transmitting human immunodeficiency virus; violating law relating to communicable disease; adulteration of food; selling, distributing food by misrepresentation and hoarding consumable goods.
Likewise, fouling water, polluting environment; causing danger or obstruction in public way, river or place; reckless conduct in using toxic or explosive substance; and recklessness with respect to constructing, demolishing or repairing buildings also fall under crimes according to the Chapter 5.
Similarly, the offence also states that reckless conduct with respect to animals and birds; setting animals free; indecent conduct; soliciting prostitution; providing house, land to be used for prostitution or sexual intercourse with prostitute; producing or selling obscene books, pamphlets, etc.; showing sexual organ in public place; having sexual intercourse in public place; and committing public nuisance are punishable crimes.
Gambling or betting and soliciting alms (begging) or causing begging is also a crime under Chapter 5.
“There are several prohibitory categories in Chapter 5 under the offences against public interest, health, safety, convenience and morals. Among the categories, there are few offences which are committed often. This is why there are many cases registered under it,” said Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Basanta Bahadur Kunwar, central police spokesperson.
According to the police, the most common cases to be lodged under the offences include gambling or betting, public nuisance and adulteration in goods, among others.
“Gambling is a crime which thrives across the country throughout the year. Awareness campaigns have gone in vain as the people continue to gamble to gain movable or immovable property. Bunch of gamblers is arrested almost on a daily basis,” said SSP Kunwar.
Nevertheless, the data also show that most of the cases under the offences against public interest, health, safety, convenience and morals are registered in the Kathmandu Valley. Among the 22,222 cases in the past three years, 5,781 have been recorded in the valley; it is followed by 4,319 in Province 1 and 3,316 in Province 2.
The authorities also informed that the cases related with alteration in foods and hoarding consumable goods intended for sale were high during the COVID-19 pandemic-ensued lockdown.
“The prohibitions are focused to ensure quality health, safety, convenience and morals for the public. The police departments continue to prevent and take action against such violations. We also look forward to the society’s assistance in curbing these crimes,” said SSP Kunwar.