PM Deuba Directs Energy Ministry To Initiate Process For Appointing Ghisingh As CEO Of NEA

Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has directed Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Pampha Bushal to initiate the process for appointing Kul Man Ghisingh to the post of Chief Executive Officer of the Nepal Electricity Authority, according to Badri Tiwari, under-secretary at the Prime Minister’s secretariat.

Tiwari said the process to appoint Ghisingh to the post of CEO of the NEA would start within a couple of days as per the Prime Minister’s instruction.

Ghisingh gained huge fame and popular support for his work to end load-shedding some four years ago when he was the CEO of the NEA. He retired last year after his four-year tenure ended and the then government did not repeat him in the post despite his willingness. The previous government appointed Hitendra Dev Shakya to the post of CEO of the NEA.

Source : TRN,