Progress Of Expressway Construction Made Public

The Nepali Army has made public the progress details of the Kathmandu-Terai/ Madhesh Expressway project claiming that it has gained financial progress of 97.34 per cent.
The Nepali Army, which has been given the responsibility of construction management by the government, has made public the progress details of the project till the end of the Fiscal Year 2020/21.
As per the progress details issued by the Directorate of Public Relations and Information of the Army Headquarters Tuesday evening, the annual financial progress of the project stands at 97.34 per cent out of the total budget allocation of Rs. 8.96 billion.
Similarly, of the total project area, the phwysical infrastructure progress of the project stood at 16.10 per cent and the financial progress at 14.51 per cent. International consultants and local subject matter experts have been selected for the design and construction supervision of the road project, tunnels and bridges.
Currently, Team Leader, Project Coordinator, Tunnel Engineer, Highway Engineer, Bridge Engineer, Material Engineer, Road and Safety Expert, Senior Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer have started work from the consultant, according to the DPR&I.
As per the plan to install 14 Bailey bridges at the project site, eight have been connected and brought into operation while other Bailey bridges are in the process of being installed.
In addition, the construction of access road required for the construction of bridges and tunnels has been taken forward.
Basic Lab Equipment has been installed at five places of the project and quality testing has been done and arrangements have been made to add Advance Lab Equipment as per the advice of international consultants. So far, 91.5 per cent of the work related to land pooling and distribution of compensation has been completed, it is said.
The work related to chopping down and management of trees along the project route has been completed 100 per cent. Tree saplings at a ratio of 1:25 have been planted along the project site. A total of 249,166 trees had been planted till mid-August.
The work has been started with the approval of supplementary environmental impact assessment as per the overall environmental impact assessment of the project, and some modifications regarding the construction of tunnels and bridges.
NA has stated that the construction of the project, which will prove to be a cornerstone for the development and prosperity of the nation, will be completed on time despite the delay caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

Source : TRN,