Quality Entertainment Award To Be Held

Quality Films, which has been producing and distributing Nepali films, songs, music videos and documentaries for a decade and a half, is going to organise the ‘Quality Entertainment Award 2021.’
Chairman of the Films Umesh Gurung stated that the award would be organised with the theme ‘Respect creators, encourage quality creations.’
Application forms for the award, which can be filled online or at the Quality Films office in Anamnagar, opened on July 1 and are available till July 30. According to Chairman Gurung, the award will feature 47 categories.
In the music category, awards will be given to singers, musicians, lyricists, music coordinators, music companies, recordists, music video directors, cinematographers, editors, actors and actresses, among others.
Similarly, in the film category, awards will be given for music, script, acting and directing.
For fashion, the award will recognise aspects like style and costume design.
The organisers have stated that only those creations – music videos, films, short-films, fashion shows and the like – produced and released in between April 14 and July 15 will be eligible to participate.
Nepali living abroad can also participate in the awards, according to organisers.

Source : TRN,