Registration, Approval For Keeping Dogs Compulsory In Pokhara

Pokhara Metropolitan City (PMC) has introduced a compulsory provision for registration and permission to keep a dog as a pet animal at homes.
The PMC for the first time has introduced such system in Nepal.

The dog owners willing to rear or those who already have one at their homes within the ward have to register and get a certificate for reducing the number of stray dogs.
The metropolis has stated that such a provision was brought into effect after it received a host of complaints saying that leaving dogs on the streets and public places has adversely affected human health and the environment.

The metropolis will fine from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 15,000 if anybody is found leaving his or her dog on the street.
“For the first time in Nepal, dog registration and rearing permit have been started from Pokhara,” Deputy Chief of Pokhara Metropolitan City Manju Devi Gurung said.

The registration and permit has begun from the Pokhara Metropolitan City Ward No. 8 from Friday. The metropolis has stated that it will be extended to other wards as well.
Deputy Chief of the metropolis Gurung and Chief Administrative Officer of the Metropolitan City Mahesh Baral jointly inaugurated the programme.

Dogs that have been registered in the ward cannot be left on the street and public places and allowed for defecating anywhere, said ward chairperson Rudnath Baral. Along with the registration, the dog will be tagged on their ear for identification and knowing the owner in case anybody leaves the dogs on the street, he said.

Source : TRN,