Speaker Sapkota Stresses On Dissemination Of Right Information

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Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota has said that the right information should be disseminated as voters could be affected by a lack of right information during the election.

Inaugurating an interaction on ‘Dissemination of Right Information during Election’ organised by the National Information Commission here today, Speaker shared that more responsibility of the media has increased to disseminate right and true information.

He opined, “Local-level election scheduled for May 13 is the great festival of the nation. We all should involve in the election being honest and accountable.”

Saying democracy could not be alive without an election, the Speaker added that an election is an opportunity for the nation and the people.

Some political forces have still wanted to participate in the election process, he said, expressing the view that maximum efforts should be taken to bring such forces into the election process.

Speaker Sapkota opined that the government should incorporate all sides in the mega campaign election as an election is for all.

Similarly, Chief Information Commissioner Mahendra Man Gurung said that true and factual information should be disseminated to break the rumor as wrong, misleading, and distorted information is found to be disseminated during election.

People, political parties, and government bodies should remain alert to misleading information.

Source : RSS,