Trailer of Mantra was released on Sunday. Saugat Malla, Buddhi Tamang and Deeya Pun have done the lead role in the movie.
Directed by Khil Bahadur Gurung, the film will be released on April 29.
The film unit has claimed that the film that has included beautiful landscapes of the Himalayan region is an organic Nepali film.
Director Gurung said that the film was shot reaching the base camp of Mt. Manaslu at an altitude of over 5,100 metres.
During the trailer release programme, lead actor Saugat Malla shared what he experienced during the shooting of the film and said Mantra was one of his favourite films.
The film is based on the story surrounding the Manaslu area of Gorkha.
The production team is confident that the scenes of the film, which was shot for the first time in Manaslu area, will win the hearts of the audience.
The film captured the attractive views of Chumanubri Sama village, Birendra Lake and Pungin Gumba in Gorkha district.
Saugat and Deeya have shared the screen for the first time in the love story movie.
Rabi Raj Karki, Suresh Karki and Subh Shrestha have invested in Mantra with Debendra Manandhar as its executive producer.
The digital rights of the film have been taken over by 8K Everest Motion Pictures.
The film is written by Samten Bhutian, Parichhed Sen, Sunil Neure while Santosh Sunar has directed its music.
Sanjay Lama has directed cinematography and Mitra D Gurung has edited the film.
Source : TRN,