In the recent political development of Lumbini Province, two provincial assembly members who had stood against Chief Minister Shankar Pokharel by supporting the opposition have decided to remain committed to the CPN-UML parliamentary committee.
Issuing a press statement jointly on Monday, Dharma Bahadur Lal Shrivastav elected from Kapilvastu-2 ‘b’ constituency and Ajaya Shahi elected from Nawalparasi (West)-1 ‘b’ informed that they would support Chief Minister Pokharel.
On Sunday, it had been revealed that both, Shrivastav and Shahi were signatories of the application proposing Kul Prasad KC of the opposition party as the CM. They have alleged that their signature was misused.
Both the assembly members have registered a letter at the office of the Province Chief clarifying that they were associated with CPN-UML.