The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has said that current weather condition will continue to remain hazy at least for coming three days.
The atmosphere is getting drier due to scant rainfall till Monday and different parts of the country have witnessed unusual haze in the recent days.
The atmosphere in most of the parts in the country has remained stable and the particles of pollution exist in the lower part of the atmosphere leading to an unusual hazy days.
In a statement on Monday, Spokesperson at the Department Suman Kumar Regmi said that raging wildfires in many places across the country added to the atmospheric pollution lately.
The smog blanketing the Kathmandu Valley since last Friday due to air pollution caused by wildfires in most of the districts has affected the normal life badly. The polluted air has declined the visibility as well.
The Department has requested people not to leave home and compulsorily use mask and maintain further alertness in case of leaving home to stay away from effects of air pollution.
Source : RSS,