A 28 year old woman from Sindhuli District is undergoing treatment at the Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj.
According to Burn Violence Survivors Nepal, Asha Sada of Dudhauli, Sindhuli District was frying some fishes when her husband dipped her face in hot oil – they also said a domestic dispute was brewing. Speaking to the District Police Office in Sindhuli, the communication officer said the incident occurred on Saturday evening (2nd November). She was brought to Sindhuli District Hospital in Kamalamai the next day, and referred to the Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu, where she is undergoing treatment.
According to BVS Nepal, Asha’s face is covered in blisters, and that she is unable to open her eyes. A field officer from the same organisation is preparing a case report.
Meanwhile the husband is said to be on the run. Asking for further details on the case, DPO Sindhuli said ‘they would only be able to furnish other details after arresting the perpetrator’. BVS-Nepal will be supporting Asha for her medical and surgical treatment.
Acid attacks in Nepal are increasingly rising – demanding stricter punishment and larger social awareness. The incident comes approximately two months after the acid attack on Muskan Khatun in Birgunj on 6th September, 2019. Muskan was on her way to school when three young boys ambushed and attacked her with acid – amongst the three, one had shown a romantic interest towards Muskan, which she had rejected.
It comes six months after Jenny Khadka was attacked in Kathmandu, and a little more than a year after 30 year old Basanti Pariyar was stabbed and flung acid on in Chitwan. Around the same amount of time has lapsed since another dejected lover attacked two sisters with acid in Rautahat – Samjhana Das, the elder sister and the person who had rejected the romantic advances of the perpetrator is no longer with us.