April 3, 2019
Balaram Parajuly, who was seriously injured in a single vehicle crash near Albury in NSW has passed away. He is the second person to die in the same crash in which the front seat passenger, Aryan Acharya, died in the scene.
Parajuly was driving the vehicle, including him there were five people in the car. He was admitted to Canberra Hospital after being sent from hospital in Albury. He was put into ventilator in Canberra Hospital. Embassy of Nepal, Australia informed about his death through a Facebook post. According to the Embassy, he passed away on Tuesday evening.
“The Embassy is coordinating with his family/relatives, Canberra Hospital and other Australian authorities and Nepalese community in Canberra to proceed on the repatriation of his body back to Nepal”, stated Embassy of Nepal, Australia.
Three of the passengers in the back seat suffered non-life-threatening injuries.