Sydney CBD stabbing incident’s perpetrator has been identified as Mert Ney (20) from Marayong, Western Sydney. A member of the family spoke to the media, issued a million apologies and said her family is not religious. She went on to explain ‘her relationship with the accused was estranged and that he was mentally ill’.
Here are a few excerpts:
“I just want to say sorry to the victim – she was younger than me. She could have been going out within a few hours, to go shopping with her mum, have dinner with her boyfriend. Now she can’t do that, can she?”, a visibly shaken (unnamed) sister of the accused is heard saying. ““All the words I’m going to say aren’t going to bring her back. I want to say I’m really sorry.”
“I saw a lot of news articles saying it was about terrorism, but our family doesn’t practice Islam. Obviously, I know I am dark skinned and I look like I am from the Middle East, that’s going to be the obvious thing. But I’m not Islamic, my mum’s not Islamic, my sister isn’t Islamic, my dad is probably an atheist. We’ve got nothing to do with Islam at all.”
“Using religion as an excuse it’s not correct.”
“In the past week, it’s obvious he’s had a steep descent into insanity,” she said. “I think he was meant to take medication … it is clear he was mentally ill but I’m not too knowledgeable because as I was saying, we’ve had an estranged relationship.
“If this happened to a family member you knew, you wouldn’t want to go near them, would you? Something so despicable. I feel shocked, angry, disgusted. I hate my last name.”
His mother had not been eating or drinking since, the relative said.
“She’s sick. We had to go to the doctors last night. I wish there was a way for me to make it all better for her, but I can’t. I can’t make it better for anyone else. I wish I could. I just want to say sorry to the family, sorry a million times.”
“[I don’t want] to speak to him again. I’m afraid of him.
The accused, a 20 year old Sydney resident killed one and injured another in a knife attack rampage in Sydney’s CBD on Tuesday. Video footage showed the man, with a knife in hand and clearly smeared in blood, climb atop a car and shout ‘Allah hu Akbar’ and ‘Shoot me, f*****g shoot me in the head’ before brave members of the public take him down. He was later handed to the police.
The injured is recovering in St. Albert’s Hospital and the deceased was a 24 year old Michaela Dunn from inner Sydney.