Yes, I am a woman. No, I am not a feminist.

I am a proud human. I believe in an equitable society.

Dear Feminist(s),

Have you considered broken homes, or broken hearts? Or, have you noticed men suffer? Have you tried rescuing a man?

If we were living in the nineteenth century, I would have advocated for feminism. But we have come a long way, and I think it is time to shun the policy of advocating for women. It’s time to focus on humans, not male chauvinism or feminism.

Children in many nations, including Nepal are deprived of basic human rights. From an early age we advocate for female childs, but in the process are we ignoring the male child? Is the male child not a child – with equal need for care, nurture, and love.

Nature has certainly divided us into many roles, and that is completely OK. Pursuing higher education, a career, or domestic work is an individual choice, and should not be treated unfairly because of your beliefs. A woman should be allowed to build a home and take care of her family if shes wishes to, without the need of society’s judgement.

Refrain from calling a traditional woman if she opts to stay home – it is an individual choice, not something that can be clubbed into a movement.

Advocating for society’s wrong can be completely understood, but how can you justify man as wrong because he is a man. Men too can become the victim. Justice should be sought, rather than the pursuit of equality.

Equality always may not be fair to all.

A fine example of two different families: First family belongs to the upper class society and her daughter applies for the scholarship in a university and secondly, a boy from a middle class family also applies for the same. Both scored the same marks, who do you think will get the scholarship?

In high probability, the girl will get the scholarship. Only because she is a girl. The complete disregard for other social factors are unfair.

Why would you call that equal? Isn’t it a favour instead? Women too can fight for what they think they deserve. We don’t need consolation prizes from society. In fact I believe let the best win – be it a girl or a boy.

We simply cannot make assumptions of a bad situation and regard it as the outcome of being a woman. It’s a perception over a thing that does not matter. I applaud those humans who understand the idea of equality for all.

Get over the term Feminism. Replace it with Humanism.

Can we hold on to the idea of focusing on individualism and believe working on oneself rather than blaming others? We don’t need to occupy ourselves on achieving sympathy; we don’t need a Feminist movement to stand for us.

Replace yourself with the best version of yourself. Contribute on Humanism and Individualism rather than Feminism, irrespective of your gender.

Think like a human.