Ainaa Jhyal Ko Putali has been declared the best film at the Kautik Film Festival held in Nainital, India.
The film has won the awards in the four categories at the festival held from December 2 to 4.
Kanchan Chimariya and Dinesh Khatri who played the role of sister and brother in the film received the best actress and actor awards receptively.
Similarly, Kiran Shrestha won the award for editing. The film released in the cinema theatres in Nepal on September 9, won the best director award in Bangladesh and was selected in the main competition at the Busan Film Festival, South Korea.The film is directed by Sujith Bidari.
Dinesh Khatri and Kanchan Chimariya have done the lead roles in the film written by Bidari himself.
Source : TRN,