Deepika Padukone left for Cannes earlier today and is all set to take her place as one of the jury members at the 75th Cannes Film Festival. The actor, who has been a regular attendee of the festival since 2017, was spotted at Mumbai’s airport on Tuesday. Deepika is the only Indian artiste on the panel. The festival will kick off on May 16 and will end on May 28. The Gehraiyaan actor is expected to walk the red carpet on all 10 days.
Deepika Padukone, who was chosen to be part of the exclusive and very illustrious jury for the 75th Festival De Cannes, is part of an eight-member jury presided by French actor Vincent Lindon. She is joined by Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi, Swedish actress Noomi Rapace, actress screenwriter producer Rebecca Hall, Italian actress Jasmine Trinca, French director Ladj Ly, American director Jeff Nichols and director Joachim Trier from Norway.
Some of the films that will be screened at the prestigious festival include David Cronenberg’s dystopian sci-fi drama Crimes of the Future, the mystery thriller Decision to Leave from South Korean director Park Chan-wook, and Showing Up from First Cow filmmaker Kelly Reichardt.
On the film front, Deepika was last seen in Shakun Batra’s Gehraiyaan that released to polarised reviews.
Her upcoming films include Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan, Prabhas starrer Project K, Hrithik Roshan starrer Fighter, Amitabh Bachchan starrer The Intern and her Hollywood romcom, which she will also be producing.
Source : TRN,