Actress Karishma Manandhar has completed her secondary level education by passing grade 12 exam.
She had appeared in the exam of class 12 from Godavari-based Kitini High School, and passed it with a GPA of 2.41.
The National Examination Board (NEB) made public the results of the examination held in mid-September on Friday.
Karishma said that she did not attend the class regularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, she was happy with the results, she told The Rising Nepal.
She received A+ in two subjects. She said “I expected higher grades but still I am happy with what I received.”
She is also planning to continue higher education but yet not sure about the subject to pursue with.
I am a working woman so I will choose the subject which is easier to study, she said.
“The success has made me more confident. Age cannot be a barrier in accomplishing our goal. We can fulfill our aim in any age if we have a determination to achieve it,” said the actress.
Source : TRN,