Actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra has released a statement following the cheating complaint filed against her and her husband, Raj Kundra. A businessman lodged a complaint against Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra and SFL Fitness PVT ltd director Kashiff Khan, accusing them of cheating and criminal intimidation. The businessman demanded Rs 1.51 crore in damages.
In her statement on Twitter, Shilpa wrote, “Woke up to an FIR registered in Raj and my name! Shocked! To set the record straight, SFL Fitness, a venture runs by Kashiff Khan. He had taken naming rights of brand SFL to open SFL gyms around the country.
All deals were struck by him and he was signatory in banking and day to day affairs. We are not aware of any of his transactions and nor have we received a rupee from him for the same. All franchisees dealt directly with Kashiff.
The company closed in 2014 and was entirely handled by Kashiff Khan. I have worked very hard over the past 24 years and it pains me to see that my name and reputation is getting damaged and dragged so loosely to get eyeballs. My rights as a law-abiding citizen in India should be protected.”
The complainant claimed he was assured that the SFL Fitness company will provide him a franchise and open a gym and spa at Hadapsar and Koregaon in neighbouring Pune, but it did not materialise, as per the FIR.Later, when the complainant sought his money back, he was allegedly threatened, the police official said quoting the complaint.
Based on the complaint, the Bandra police registered an FIR under various Indian Penal Code Sections, including 420 (cheating), 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention). An investigation into the case is underway.Prior to this, Raj Kundra was arrested for his alleged involvement in a porn apps case. He was released in September.
Source : TRN,