Arghakhanchi women earning livelihood selling duna-tapari

Locals in Thada, in Arghakhanchi, have started earning good income from Duna-tamari (plates made of leaves from the ‘Saal’ tree) business. Most of the women of Sitganga Municipality are on cloud nine after they started making good money from the business. They have been selling Duna-tamari both individually and in a group after collecting leaves from the forest.

Demand for such plates increased after the municipality was declared a plastic-free market zone. Municipality Chief Surya Prasad Adhikari said that it was made a plastic-free zone with the objective of making Damaru Daha, in Thada, a tourist attraction and making the city clean and pollution-free. The municipality has been teaching the women to make the plates in order to make the city a beautiful tourist destination.

An area covering a distance of around 400 meters from Thada has been made plastic-free. For the first time, about one year ago, 17 women from this region were trained to make Duna-tamari. The women have been able to earn a good income since then.

Chiuri and Saal trees abound in the nearby community forests. The women can collect their leaves easily to make Duna-tamari.

The women’s group of the Local Sagarmatha Women’s Cooperative has been making Duna- tapers to sell in the market. “We are creating self-employment by selling Duna-tapers in the market,” said Laxmi Belbase, chairperson of the group. Instead of plastic cups, plates, and bowls, people have now started using Duna-tamari in ceremonies and functions.

Source : TRN,