Actress Barsha Raut has signed to do the lead role in Lakhey. Director Samrat Basnet and executive producer Hari Malla Thakuri signed the agreement with the actress on Thursday.
Barsha said that she was associated with the film because she liked its story. “Not only is the story, but also the team of the film good, you can see a different role in Lakhey,” said Barsha.
The unit of the film has now completed with Barsha’s entry.
The production unit has now kept secret who will be seen as Barsha’s partner in the film.
Saugat Malla , Anup Bikram Shahi, Aryan Adhikari , Arpan Thapa, Sushil Situala, Bijay Baral, Sunil Thapa, Raksha Budhathoki, Ajay Pant, Umesh Sunam, Rupesh Jha, Chakra Bahadur Bista, Shrawan Kumar Rana, Rajan Bhujel, Anbisha Khadgi, Sujan A Pariyar and child artiste Sistam Bhandari are doing the film.
Sijan Aryal is the producer of the film being produced under the banner of Global Media and Research Centre and Orion Production.
Ganesh Malla Thakuri is the presenter and Hari Malla Thakuri is the executive producer of the film.
Dilip Pant is the production designer of the big budget movie. The production unit has informed that the shooting of the film will start from the last week of December.
Source : TRN,