Crocodiles grown in breeding centre released into natural habitat

A total of 20 crocodiles kept at the crocodile breeding center in Sauraha of Chitwan National Park have been released in the Rapti river, the natural habitat of crocodile, on Thursday on the occasion of the World Wetland Day.

The CNP said that 18 female and two male crocodiles were released into the river water.

Assistant Conservation Officer of the CNP Raju Ghimire said that three of them are of six years and 17 other crocodiles are of seven-year-old.

Likewise, Information Officer of CNP Ganesh Prasad Tiwari said that so far 1,712 crocodiles have been released into the river water so far.

Crocodiles are usually released in Rapti, Narayani, Kaligandaki, Saptakoshi, Kamala, and Babai rivers. After the establishment of the breeding center in 1978, crocodile babies have been raised and released into the wild since 1981. Although a large number of crocs have been released, the number has not increased in the river.

Crocodiles released in Nepal’s rivers reach India with the flowing water. As a result of the structure of Gandak Barrage, crocodiles can go to India but cannot return. Due to this, crocodiles raised in Nepal are left in the rivers in India. With the increasing pollution of the river, the conservation of the endangered crocodile is facing more and more challenges.

Every year, crocodile eggs are collected from the river banks and raised in the breeding center. The crocodiles are then released into the river after they have grown. (RSS)