Govt Instructs To Tighten Border Points

A Central Security Committee meeting Friday decided to tighten the border points to prevent illegal entry of foreign nationals.
The meeting held under the chairmanship of Minister for Home Affairs Bal Krishna Khand, who is also looking after daily administrative works of Prime Minister, was attended by the chiefs from the four security bodies, including the Secretary from the Ministry of Defence and officials from the Home Ministry. According to Madhusudan Bhattarai, press coordinator to the Home Minister, the meeting discussed the overall security arrangements of the country.

The meeting also decided to install CCTVs at the checkpoints, make it a mandatory provision to check the identity card of every individual, and make the operation of immigration and security agencies more effective, read a press release issued after the meeting.

Similarly, the meeting decided to conduct health check-up at the checkpoints as the infection of COVID-19 has of late started increasing. The meeting also discussed the issue of procuring necessary equipment for arranging on the spot health check-up.
The meeting discussed ways to prevent entry of foreign nationals from the third countries for taking Nepal as safe refugee shelter. During the meeting, the security chiefs respectively briefed Khand on the number of Afghan and foreign nationals who had entered Nepal so far seeking refugee status.

Following the meeting, Khand said that the border checkpoints and international airports should be tightened to prevent foreign nationals from entering Nepal illegally.
Defence Secretary Begendra Raj Sharma Poudyal, Acting Secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs Pradip Koirala, Chief Investigation Director of the National Investigation Department Ganesh Prasad Adhikari, Inspector General of the Armed Police Force Shailendra Khanal, Major General of Nepali Army Nirmal Kumar Thapa and Additional Inspector General (AIG) of Nepal Police Pradhumna Kumar Karki were present in the meeting.

Source : TRN,